Graduation | Amrita

Graduation, Photography

Amrita's Graduation 2017 (29)Amrita's Graduation 2017 (18)Amrita's Graduation 2017 (36)Amrita's Graduation 2017 (40)Amrita Graduation ParentsAmrita's Graduation 2017 (33)Amrita's Graduation 2017 (72)

Yesterday was a very special day for Amrita, who graduated with her Bachelor of Education! I had the honour of capturing the occasion, surrounded by Amrita’s family and friends and filled with much joy, love and laughter. From post-ceremony photos at Aotea Square to Amrita’s home, we were blessed with a sun-filled day and smiles all around. Congratulations on your graduation, Amrita! 

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Graduation | Vinka

Graduation, Photography


After 6 years, my dear friend Vinka is a doctor. I’ve known her for 8 years, ever since we met at church and I was instantly drawn to her genuine smile and warm, bubbly personality. She has always been the most hardworking, dedicated and faithful person I know, and I couldn’t be more proud!

To celebrate the occasion, we did a photoshoot with her family & friends at the University of Auckland’s Grafton campus, the Auckland Domain Wintergardens and Cornwall Park. Congratulations, Vinka, on your Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery! ❤

sophia signature

Graduation | Kamila

Graduation, Photography

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I recently had the honour of capturing memories of a huge milestone for the talented Kamila, who graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering with First Class Honours in Mechatronics!

To commemorate the special occasion, we did a photoshoot with her dear family & friends at Bruce Mason Centre, Takapuna Beach, and Massey University’s Albany campus. Congratulations on your graduation Kamila!

sophia signature